Comparision of hits on "SPNS 2008 Leg 3" and "SPNS 2009 Leg 3"

Comparision of hits on "SPNS 2008 Leg 3" and "SPNS 2009 Leg 3".

In the previous legs, notifications of the coming competition will be posted over forums everywhere.
google keyword: spns 2008 leg 3 [3 pages]
1) sporton
2) pinoysg
3) redsports
4) xtionball
5) tom's photos
6) blog.tilt
7) zh.sgforum
8.) asiapaintball
9) warpig
10) redsevens
11) ck's fbook
12) td
13) singaporesports
15) tom's blog

This leg seem more subdued in publicity.
google keyword: spns 2009 leg 3 [3 pages] - last edited
1) sporton
2) sportshook (broken link)
3) CK's fbook event
4) asiapaintball

Since the real leg 3 was cancelled, then we should have twice the publicity and hits on search engines as the timeframe is longer.  Looks like a unconfirmed event makes everyone wary about publicising it.
