HOTUD shutting down, and my letter

Joran: While documenting old games for my personal database today, I came across this piece of news.

HOTUD (Feb 2014):
"Bad news everybody!

Okay so this\'ll be short, but in all likelihood, I am going to be shutting this page down. It\'s expensive (very), and I do not think it\'s needed anymore given the success of, Abandonia, and a few others. I simply don\'thave the time to keep it up and running, nor can do I have the time to make it the kickass community that I think it needs to be. I tried to ping abandonia about taking it over, but I never got a response. if anyone else has any alternative ideas, drop me a line at admin at and we can figure something out."

The original "Home of the Underdogs" was site that provided downloaded to Abandon-ware.  Not just that, they had great write-ups on the games - I was often moved by their writings to try them out.
When "Home of the Underdogs" closed down in Feb 2009, supporters/fans set up two sites to continue the legacy: <-- This one

My email to the admin:
"Dear Admin,
it's a sad news to hear that the site will be shutting down.
What drew me to the site of HOTU in its original incarnation (other than the downloads) was the homage paid to the various classics.  It was a delight to read passionate descriptions of the games.
Thank you for keeping HOTU alive as long as you could."

What's my point of posting this?
I don't know, something of a homage to the original HOTU, and its spiritual offspring
If some kind soul could finance the work, it'll be great.  Else one day, classic games would be placed in an emotionless alphabetical listing.
HOTUD shutting down, and my letter.
