Project Update #26: Next Tom vs. Bruce posting today

Project Update #26: Next Tom vs. Bruce posting today.
Joran: Sigh...

The next Tom vs. Bruce is being posted on this (Monday morning), and we wanted to update you on how everything is going. While the road to Tristram is littered with good intentions, and nobody is happy with the delay in getting this one posted, Bruce is absolutely willing to take the blame for this latest delay. While job-related delays are unavoidable, Bruce doesn't want Tom to get any more grief for the slowdowns that he is not primarily guilty of. And in case you think Tom is throwing Bruce under the bus in an update, this is Bruce writing this. The good news on the T-shirt front is that thanks to one of our fine backers, we got a very reasonable quote from a screenprinter, and the payment should be made by the time this update is posted. We will be contacting all the T-shirt backers for address updates to make sure no one's reward gets lost in the mail. Between Tom and Bruce, neither one of us is happy that we haven't gotten into a groove, but we continue to try to remedy that. At the least, we plan to do more than the ten we promised, and will very likely do a "special edition" just for backers. We're committed to getting these out on a regular basis, even if it means doing several at once while we have the time. Bruce is forgoing some vacation travel next month to take advantage of the free time. So yes, we do take this seriously. Hope you enjoy this latest one.
