Facebook Game: Restaurant City revisited

Facebook Game: Restaurant City revisited.
prev: http://joranatplay.blogspot.com/2009/05/facebook-game-bad-design-decisions.html

After slamming the game for all the bad design decisions in May 09, the game has shown marked improvements.
Game points must be earned online, thus encouraging players to leave the game running by itself for hours and hours.
Game points can now be earned offline.  Popularity can't.

Toilets get dirty after every 3 uses, forcing you to clean it every 2-3 minutes if you have a small restaurant and do not have an array of toilets.  Forcing you to babysit your game.
Toilets can now be cleaned by players' interactions.

 Newer stuffs:
Plates can be cleared by players' interactions.

Joran: The designers have finally realised that forcing players to micro-mange their staff is NOT fun.  The game is now actually somewhat fun.  Is it too little, too late, however?
