I bet everyone have a "first post", so here it goes.
Last year was the most complain-some year I had on work. I gave up a cosy position and stepped out into a world where I had to fend for myself. The pay difference isn't such a big deal, only an additional $50/mth. I do wonder if I made the right choice as my old employer would have given me the chance to learn configuration if I had stayed on. In the outside world, NOBODY wants to give you a chance. "You got no experience", they say. "I am willing to learn! I am willing to take a pay-cut!", I offered to cold stone faces. But if a secure job is what I am looking for, then this is the right move.
In gaming, my money found new outlets. Arcade centres collected $100 in MarioKart Racing alone. The Pirates! game cost me about $130 in cards and accessories. PC games purchases fell to $100 (Purchase of Cheryl's copy does not count) - the lowest ever since the age of 22.
The outdoor yearning got a bit of satisfaction last year with night cycling, snorkelling, hiking, water rafting and sneaking past dogs. I don't think I wish to conquer my fear of jellies, it can stay, thank you.
Luck wise I have been pretty fine. No handphone losses, no serious heartbreaks, little backstabbing... Only piece of back luck was the sprain, which I must be the slowest healing person on record.
2007.. the continuing story
Last year was the most complain-some year I had on work. I gave up a cosy position and stepped out into a world where I had to fend for myself. The pay difference isn't such a big deal, only an additional $50/mth. I do wonder if I made the right choice as my old employer would have given me the chance to learn configuration if I had stayed on. In the outside world, NOBODY wants to give you a chance. "You got no experience", they say. "I am willing to learn! I am willing to take a pay-cut!", I offered to cold stone faces. But if a secure job is what I am looking for, then this is the right move.
In gaming, my money found new outlets. Arcade centres collected $100 in MarioKart Racing alone. The Pirates! game cost me about $130 in cards and accessories. PC games purchases fell to $100 (Purchase of Cheryl's copy does not count) - the lowest ever since the age of 22.
The outdoor yearning got a bit of satisfaction last year with night cycling, snorkelling, hiking, water rafting and sneaking past dogs. I don't think I wish to conquer my fear of jellies, it can stay, thank you.
Luck wise I have been pretty fine. No handphone losses, no serious heartbreaks, little backstabbing... Only piece of back luck was the sprain, which I must be the slowest healing person on record.
2007.. the continuing story
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